健康主題特殊病症配方減肥配方-Greens Plus, 減肥膠囊,120粒
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- The Power of The Plus
- Premium Quality - From Earths Lands & Seas
- New Formula · Proven Results
- Now with Green Coffee Bean!
- Fast Acting Weight-Loss Formula
- An Ephedra-Free Dietary Supplement with Herbal Extracts and Green Superfoods
Thermo Lean is a unique and powerful combination of ephedra-free thermogenic ingredients: Acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid that helps transport and burn fat, is stacked with Caffeine, Salicin and Chlorogenic Acid to increase energy and quicken metabolism. The addition of Theobromine and PEA from Cocoa Beans enhances mood and support brain chemistry associated with exercise, while chromium helps to stabilize blood sugar. All ingredients are in a base of Green Superfoods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes needed for peak performance.
Greens Plus, 減肥膠囊床的世界,120粒無痕褲
