
食品,百貨茶,草藥薑茶-Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)

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食品,百貨茶,草藥薑茶Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)折價券,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)哪裡買,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)哪裡有,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)新光三越,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)大遠百,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)板橋遠百,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)麗寶百貨,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)家樂福,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)大潤發,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)全聯,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)宅配,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)台中大遠百,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)新竹巨城,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)台茂,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)宜蘭,Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)忠孝東路氣沒的嗎始,然重課。

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  • Since 1974

  • 髮旺旺
  • Created by Herbalists

  • Herbal Supplement

  • 髮旺旺
  • FairTrade Certified Ingredients

  • Non GMO Project Verified

  • USDA Organic

  • Kosher

  • Certified B Corporation

  • 床的世界
  • Certified by the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)

  • Camellia Sinensis

  • Zingiber Officinale

髮旺旺Organic Green Tea Ginger

Green Tea Ginger combines high quality, organic and Fair Trade Certified green tea, grown in the foothills of the Himalayas in Darjeeling India, with the zestiest ginger around. Some of our favorite ginger around. Some of our favorite ginger cones from Fair Trade Certified small organic farms that are part of a Sri Lankan co-op. Not only does this ginger provide all of ginger's well know digestive benefits.

We've Got the Right Stuff

This green tea has been grown and harvested under the Fair Trade Certification scheme, which ensures a fair deal for people and plants. Fair Trade Certification ensures fair pricing and fair trade benefits for grower communities. We use Fair Trade Certified herbs because peo床的世界ple and plants matter.

Personality - Spice, comforting and uplifting.

Herbal Power - Gets the digestive juices flowing and relieves occasional indigestion, mildly stimulating.

Reason to Love - Many cultures around the world have acquired fond feeling for ginger- both for床的世界 its taste and for its soothing properties. Our herbalists have carefully crafted this tea by combining green tea, a time-honored healthy beverage, with the extra wellness benefits of spicy ginger to support a healthy you. We love this warming, spicy tea for its ability to promote happy and healthy digestion.

Taste - Pleasantly spicy, pungent and mildly tannic.

Traditional Medicinals, 有機綠茶生薑,16袋包裝, .85 oz (24 g)




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